Wallet Connect | securely store and backup

WalletConnect is a protocol that bridges the gap between dApps and mobile wallets, providing a seamless and secure user experience. It was developed to address the limitations of traditional browser

Multi-Layered Security:

  • Password Protection:

    • Implement a strong password policy and encourage users to create complex passwords.

  • Biometric Authentication:

    • Integrate biometric authentication methods (fingerprint, facial recognition) for an additional layer of security.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

    • Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra level of protection, especially for transactions or sensitive activities.

2. User-Friendly Onboarding:

  • Guided Setup:

    • Provide a step-by-step onboarding process with clear instructions and tooltips to guide users through wallet setup.

  • Educational Resources:

    • Include educational resources within the wallet interface to help users understand security features, transaction processes, and best practices.

3. Wallet Recovery:

  • Seed Phrase Backup:

    • Prompt users to securely store and backup their seed phrase during the wallet creation process.

  • Recovery Options:

    • Offer multiple recovery options, such as email recovery, for users who may forget their passwords or lose access to their devices.

4. Intuitive Interface:

  • User-Friendly Design:

    • Design a clean and intuitive user interface (UI) with easy navigation to key features, like sending/receiving funds and connecting to DApps.

  • Transaction History:

    • Display a clear transaction history with detailed information to keep users informed about their wallet activity.

Last updated